Volonteer at il Chicco
The Community life is supported by assistants, volunteers, and friends. How can you walk together with the Community?Every single person is important at il Chicco, and everyboby may find his own way to be in relationship, in different ways, also depending on the available time and energy.
For everybody, it is not simply work. It is an experience of friendship and community life. We ask assistants to come and live with us for an initial period of time to get to know each other and to share everyday life. Assistants are volunteers; they get room and board and, after the first month, a small amount of pocket money.
Several volunteers help in the houses or in the workshop. They may also be present as civil servants, or as interns at il Chicco.
Friends participate in Community life whenever possible on various occasions during everyday life, and in particular during parties, on pilgrimage, and in important events.
We often start a relationship with the persons at il Chicco with the aim to help. We always discover that we receive many gifts, simplicity, tenderness, and love from the relationship with the people in the Community.
You are welcome if you want to live this experience!
  How to become a volunteer at il Chicco
Please, download this form, fill it in and send it to: volontari@larche-ilchicco.it.If you need further information you may call +39 06 7962104.
 Download the form
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